Objective(s) 1) To Prevent Transmission Voltage collapse.
2) To Deload Grid Transformer and Transmission System.
3) To reduce Transmission Loss.
4) To improve Overall Transmission Efficiency.
Scope of Work Capacitor Bank: 600 MVAR (in 33 kV side of 26 S/S)
Bay Extension: 45 nos. (33 kV side)
Reinforcement of S/S: 1 nos. (132/33 kV)
Project Cost Total: 218.43 crore BDT, GoB: 64.7285 crore BDT, PGCB: 13.8986 crore BDT, PA: 139.7995 crore BDT
Development Partner KfW
Present Status Physical: 100%, Financial: 100%
Estimated Duration Jan, 2008 to June, 2014
Project Office

last updated on: 2020-12-30 04:25:18
Information Source: Project Planning