Objective(s) (a) To meet the electricity demand of the country especially Dhaka region by local generation & to enhancement of generation system capability.
(b) To accelerate the economic development of the country by adequate and reliable power generation in order to attain the planned target of power demand.
(c) To increase the power generation through optimum utilization of country’s natural gas resources.
(d) To overcome the present generation shortage by increasing generation and to minimize load-shedding.
(e) To enhance the stability and reliability of the national grid system and reduce the Transmission loss by localized generation.
(f) To improve the economic development activities by reducing system loss.
(g) To develop human resources through transfer of technology.
Scope of Work Upgradation and Control room building Extension of Haripur 132/33 kV Substation
Project Cost Total: 223.76 crore BDT, GoB: 41.05 crore BDT, PA: 182.71 crore BDT
Development Partner JICA
Present Status Physical: 100%, Financial: 100%
Estimated Duration July, 2007 to June, 2014
Project Office

last updated on: 2020-12-30 04:27:09
Information Source: Project Planning